RSOP (3)

A Community Newsletter — October Review

by @jvn_xyz; 11/01/2022

A blinding flash radiated across the battlefield as the devious ZK85 deployed the ancient stratagem of Two Truths and a Lie.

GM Royals,

A bloodied message was received by the Joker Council. The message was short and to the point — victory. However, after completing the battle analysis, the Council saw through the enemy’s deceptive plans and with an unanimous vote activated their deadliest warriors — the Eternals.

Welcome to the Royal Society of Players’ Royal Game of Thrones (RGOT) an ongoing challenge to free the last captive Joker in the Kingdom, secured in a dark secret vault somewhere within the Metaverse. With Quest #3: Two Truths and a Lie promptly closed out by none other than @TSBG the final countdown to the releasing the captive Joker had begun.

Retreating back into the Cascadian Landscape @TSBG began to plot his strategy for the FINAL BATTLE, noting his comrades in arms were allies in name only. When it came to the end only one of the Golden Ticket holders @Elmwood, @Stublufan, @JHWrecker, @1CentCollector, @bucs_4Life, @CloudyDays, @RDShang, or the unknown six would be able to claim the captive Joker and thus defeat ZK85 and his Mystical Book of Lore.

After careful consideration and consultation with the gummy gods, he knew what had to be done, he put down his bowl, snatched up his laptop and like Alfred Hitchcock, dialed M….DanM :)

Royal Rumble — (Competitive Staking)

The HOUSE OF DIAMONDS had a SPECTACULAR run in October led by several persistently engaged members including @1CentCollector with 205 ROYAL and a full cast of supporters including @RemarkableBEE and Joker#4 who added to the tally in multiple ways.

Aside from notching up multiple wins across several categories including RGOT, CLUB GG, and BATTLE CARDS where @RemarkableBee broke through pulling the first “in competition JOKER” as well winning First Place in the inaugural battle, JOKER #4 added points through several streams including HODLING his funky APE Joker.


First Place = 16x (House of Diamonds)
Second Place = 12x (House of Hearts)
Third Place = 8x (House of Clubs)
Fourth Place = 4x (House of Spades)

*The earned ROYAL from the staking period will be distributed based on your House’s finishing position as noted above. #STAYROYAL

Joker’s Lounge

An Interview with Joker #16 — WallyMcWalface#7486

Q1: What brought you into NFTs?

A: I’d like to think I’ve always been a “technology forward” person. Which is why when I look back on it, I find it funny that I dismissed everyone that was mining and finding use cases for Bitcoin back in late 00’s, early 10’s. Normally, that would have been me. As a kid/teenager, I was teaching myself how to build computers, how to code, etc. Fast forward to the end of the 10s and into the 20s and now Bitcoin, Ethereum and Crypto as a whole is all over the place. I remembered telling myself that I wasn’t going to be left behind this time, so I needed to somehow get involved in the next crypto craze. I then started hearing about NFTs as the next use case for crypto, and in particular got lured into the Topps MLB cards by As an avid card collector when I was a kid (before it all got destroyed by a flood, yes I’m one of the many hahaha) the thought of having a digital collectible that was uniquely mine intrigued me. So, that started my journey. Immediately, I was unable to get in on the mint as the site was inundated with people just like me. So, at the very beginning of my NFT journey I was indoctrinated into failed mints, haha. From there, I learned about Zed (and more failed mints!) and then eventually that opened me up to Ethereum and where we are today.

Q2: Do you have a philosophy of collecting or are you just another degen?

A: Great question! I’m probably in between a degen and collector. I’m much more of a hoarder than a flipper, that’s for sure! This is all fun for me, so typically I’m looking to find art, projects, people, etc., that are interesting to me. From there, I’ll aim to learn a bit more about the project, it’s community, it’s utility and determine if it’s something I want to be involved in long term. If so, then I’ll usually jump in small and then add to my portfolio as I better understand. Of course, every once in a while I’ll ape into something with little-to-no research with the hope to flip. Unfortunately, I’m really bad at letting go of things, or I just ape into the wrong things, so I’ve learned over time that flipping for profit is best left to the professionals, or at least best left to people other than me. So, for the most part whatever I get involved with, the goal is usually for a longer term hold. One piece of advice I received early on, which I try to replicate when I can, is to buy at least 3 of anything you get involved with. The goal there is to hopefully flip one to get your return on investment, keep one as your “forever” and then you have one more to either keep or flip later for profit. It doesn’t always work out that way, but I’ve been able to follow that advice more often than not, which has helped keep me grounded.

Q3: Could you describe the feeling of minting a joker? Did it inspire you to build further hands, or were you content on being a one percenter?

A: It’s funny b/c as I mentioned my minting woes earlier, RSOP was one of the first projects I was able to get in on at mint. My goal was to buy 10, but at the time I didn’t know anything about high gas prices and how that could eat at your total planned investment. So, I was only able to mint 6 out of the 10 I wanted. Then, the next part was reveal which I also didn’t know how to do metadata refresh, so I had a lot of help that day from wonderful people who were willing to walk me through everything from increasing your gas limit to refreshing. Once I got the hang of it, I refreshed one of my cards and it was an Ace with Evolution (ape) stamp and I was elated. I was going around everywhere to all the different servers I was on bragging about this card. Then, eventually someone was like “hey, why aren’t you telling us about that Joker you have?” Literally at that point I then started receiving DMs asking if I’d sell for 5, 10, 15, 20+ ETH and then got invited into a private Jokers Discord where one by one people were being added or removed based on either buying or selling their jokers. It was all super crazy as I still had very little clue what was going on until it finally came to the realization that the Joker was a super rare 1/16 out of the 10K project. Eventually the joker channel in the RSOP discord was created and us remaining lucky ones moved on over there. From there, it took me quite a while before I started building hands, mostly because I was still trying to figure out NFTs in general as well as I was spending way too much money on Zed! But through getting to know more people in the community and understanding what attracted them to RSOP and some of the fun things they were finding, I then went and got an Eternal, got a Royal Flush and then eventually started looking for “matchy-matchy”, “crown-twin” and other unique traits based off my original mint.

Q4: You’re a very active and engaged community member. What are we missing that’s necessary to take our engagement to the next level?

A: I honestly don’t think there is anything materially missing to getting our engagement to the next level. We’re in an unfortunate “crypto/NFT winter” right now which has made it hard for most projects/communities that aren’t Yuga-based, to move to the “next level.” I’ve been around for a bit now and can confidently say the RSOP community is the smartest community out there and has some of the top engagement out there as well. Very few projects are still building and even fewer have community members dedicated to enhancing the experience in any way they can. The biggest thing we need is to make sure we continue this momentum through the downturn so that when things finally take the positive turn, we’ll be situated to capitalize on that momentum. I love that we as a community are buying up NFTs of other projects into the Treasury and seeking engagement above and beyond our walls. The more we can continue to generate that positive energy, the better we’re all going to be situated in the future.

Q5: How do you see the inevitable US regulation impact on NFT projects, especially with the SEC chairman now investigating Yuga Labs? Will NFTs be another ICO debacle, a Minksy moment, or something else altogether?

A: I am probably one of the few who view the SEC investigation into Yuga as a good thing. The SEC could have went after numerous other projects who don’t have the money or the lawyers backing them and made a quick example out of them, making it much harder for well established and legitimate projects to dig out of. Instead, they chose the big dog, who is definitely lawyered up and has solid legal footing on anything that they’ve done, since becoming Yuga, that is. So, this leaves me bullish that the SEC is using this as an opportunity to learn and hopefully come up with regulation that is practical. Ultimately, we’re going to get regulation, whether we like it or not. But this is an opportunity for them to work with people who seem to have done it “the right way” and hopefully what comes out of it are sensible compromises.

Crypto & NFT Headlines

As crypto markets traded sideways in October, traders and investors scoured the multiverse for any signs of a pending melt up, something their analysis told them was on the horizon. Despite the uptick in trading volumes in mid-October, several metrics indicate any near-term rally won’t hold, the lack of any futures or stablecoin demand in the Asia Pacific region. Although the spot trading volume over the last week has helped push the two largest cryptos out of their trading funk, it’s far from over, especially with the continued uncertainty around the pending FOMC meeting on November 2nd.

From a geopolitical angle, October held few surprises aside from yet another miscommunicated deal between Russia-Ukrainian parties, which could lead to further turmoil in the disruption of global grain exports on top of the already disrupted oil and gas exports to Europe for the coming winter months. Russia indicated that their blockage of the departing grain shipments from the Black Sea was in response to an attack on their fleet in the area.

Meanwhile, across the pond in Asia and the United Kingdom, cryptos are making progress. During the opening session of the FinTech conference, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission announced its beginning public consultation about allowing retail participants to buy cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Moreover, the local regulator indicated that it’s open to future reviews of property rights for tokenized assets and the legality of smart contracts.

Digital ownership has become a hot-button topic as governments search for ways to structure and regulate the industry. Recently, the UK Law Commission published a consultation paper about framing the ownership rights of digital assets. The consultation paper considered principles of private law and private property law concerning digital assets. A key proposal included the recognition of a “third” category of property for a more nuanced consideration of new and idiosyncratic objects of property rights, which it labeled “data objects.”

With the “Crypto/NFT-winter” carrying over into the actual winter in the northern hemisphere, it’s reassuring that governments are thoughtfully devising plans about structuring asset protections in the Metaverse.

(Source: Bloomberg, Kraken, Trading View, UK Law Commission, and WSJ)

Royal Treasury

As we await the final tally of the Royal Treasury for the month of October, which all members will be able to access in the #Treasury-updates channel on the RSOP discord server, I wanted to catch everyone up on what our Community Treasurers have been doing.

There were quite a few moving parts, so I’ll highlight the main trades until we have the full excel spreadsheet updated from the team. The key trades included the ROYAL MEEBIT as well as RENGA with quite a few ALIENBOYS as well as an RASC sweep.

According to the team there is 51ETH* in the Royal Treasury that’s up +15%M/M* after a few sales across several legacy collections being held in the community wallets. There was also about 0.25ETH* from secondary transactions during October as a couple of sweepers and a sniper came through picking up some face cards on the cheap and structuring collections.

(*This is beginning October number and will be revised post Team update.)

RSOP ZED Stable Report

Sometimes, the ZED stables are bustling with activity as breeders and owners shuffle about inspecting and researching potential champion pairings, especially after race day. And like many things, once you horse records a stunning performance matching its pedigree, it’s time to stud.

For the RSOP stables, October was a quieter month as our stable master and his crew went in to maintenance and research mode. Reviewing the activities during the month there was only a couple of races and a few breeding pairings.

On the breeding front, ROYAL KING didn’t see much success in the last round, but the stable master @HEROin is confident in his coming opportunities for a champion pairing. The other three breeding cases included NO TOUCHING and WHITE SUN, which haven’t been raced so their actual distance preferences aren’t known and have been taken as a lucky draw. However, the ROYAL SOCIETY OF PLAYERS has bred two marathoners whose foal is being prepared to run in the MAIDEN.

On the racing front, SEATBELT YOUR WEALTH, although a relative unknown across the circuits and had only one race, posted an above mid-runner average performance.

Keep your eye on this space as @PeaceFrog and @HEROin continue to build out the RSOP stables and gear up for the winter schedule.

DIRECTORY: If you’d like to opt into the Royal Member Directory, please let us know in any of the member channels on Discord. #STAYROYAL

Disclaimer: NFA, DYOR.



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