RSOP (4)

A Community Newsletter — November Review


The Physical Decks Have Arrived

At the time of writing, the order window for the Community Curated deck of RSOP playing cards had been reopened due to strong demand. There’s a limit of max 5 decks per wallet at a price of 100 ROYAL/deck, so you’d better hurry if you’ve not ordered or PAID your ROYAL through the ROYAL PLATFORM (i.e. the Speakeasy) located at .

by @jvn_xyz; 12/1/2022

A dagger ricocheted off the cavern floor as the Eternal diamond slumped against the porous rock walls, leaving his legacy across the Royal Numbers woven into the Pegasus constellation cave art.

GM Royals,

After several attempts by the elite squad of Eternals to advance through the last defensive lines into the stronghold of the evil king, a sudden all-consuming deluge held them beyond the Great River, short of the Onyx castle. The setback is temporary. The Joker Council has been called into emergency session and is considering all options.

Welcome back to the Royal Society of Players’ Royal Game of Thrones (RGOT) Challenge. Over the last few months, our community has been locked in a desperate battle to free the last JOKER from captivity. And although the rescue got off to a slow start, since then, countless Royals have joined the campaign. Unfortunately, the more they tried the more they failed (talking to the man-in-the-mirror).

Last week, a little birdie told me that the one they call @PeaceFrog has been having quite a good time designing the clues. These were the clues that brought so many Royals right to the edge of their seats as they smashed their bony fingers on the keypad, racing the clock before the Royals in the desert awoke and realized the answer too. Proving to be a Game Master extraordinaire, @PeaceFrog deserves a shout out and a round of applause. Well done Sir!

Returning to the status of the competition we’ve now entered Quest #5, and sure enough, @Elmwood hasn’t disappointed as he claimed yet ANOTHER Golden Ticket, ticket 13/15, which means there are only two left. Good luck to all those still holding on to hope, but then again, it only takes ONE ticket to get you into the final round. And maybe, just maybe all that sleuthing has @Elmwood worn out, leaving an opening for the rest of us. #STAYROYAL

Crypto and NFT Headlines

Another one bites the dust as FTX implodes and takes a lot of “goodwill” with it.

Although nothing can last forever, only a few weeks ago, the overall market sentiment seemed indifferent to the pains of the real world, ETH was trading back to the US$1,500 level, traders were streamlining their processes, and builders were building. Everything seemed to be quietly on the mend, and that’s usually when the wheels come off. The prevailing attitude took for granted the loose cannons that were shooting from the hip during the UST Terra Luna situation had been flushed out, and that the remaining players had learned from that debacle and positioned themselves accordingly. Well, think again.

From the jump, November didn’t stand a chance. Whether it was the ongoing ridiculousness of the U.S. political theater, the Russian-Ukraine war, or the nervousness around the extending crypto winter for a plethora of reasons, despite the simmering long-term positive view, things stood on the precipice. This is to say nothing about the slow-rolling U.S. regulator that either don’t know, don’t show, or don’t care what’s going on in the hood (thanks, Cube) as long as they can secure their seat for another term.

Everyone knows the lack of regulation translates into the proverbial wild west, things get kinda messy, and that’s exactly what’s unfolded in front of our eyes with the FTX implosion and its global knock-on effect. Because, “unbeknownst” to the U.S regulators and politicians that were warming to the idea of structuring the cryptocurrency market, coincidently as the Too Big Too Fail crew realigned their position and business (Hello, BlackRock and JPMorgan) things were not as they seemed.

Situated off the coast of Florida, the FTX and Alameda teams strategized and executed an unknown number of deals and trades, which were legit but according to “insiders” it all went south with the launch of its own FTT token the previous year. Pause, this story sounds familiar.

After rescuing BlockFi from the bankruptcy squad, FTX then through a series of missteps and unfortunate negotiations with CZ, things came to an end and they filed for bankruptcy, but not before allegedly wiring substantial funds out of the firm wallet.

In conclusion, I think it’s safe to say that the story is complex and who knows if we’ll ever know the true details and actors involved (I lean towards conspiracy, but that’s my eighties upbringing). The only thing we do know is that our dreams of an imminent mass adoption by normies of blockchain and cryptocurrency has just been pushed a little further out of our reach. If you’re wondering how, I think Tezos co-founder Kathleen Breitman said it best when she referred to many government officials and proxies willingness to address regulations “a lot of goodwill is gone now.” If that’s the case, then it’s going to take a helluva an event to right this ship, or maybe just a TBTF CEO…

Good Luck and remember. Not your keys, Not your crypto. #STAYROYAL

The Legend of the Golden Ticket Hunter

Once upon a time in a land of milk and honey lived a discreet and diligent degen known only as @Elmwood. Whether this was his real name or an alias was irrelevant. Aside from being an active and engaged member of the Royal Society of Players, Sir Elmwood, because with his analytical and savant level investigative skills, we should all call him sir.

As the Royal Game of Thrones enters its final stretch, the 13/15 golden tickets have landed in fewer-than-expected hands. Designed to gamify the selection process for the last captive Joker regulated to the Royal Treasury Vault, the number of Royals that have been able to crack the savvy Game Master’s code has been limited. Whether it was the chilling effect from his northern lair or a lifelong investigative skill carefully honed over the years it was evident he was a professional-level hunter.

Although he didn’t nail them all, he’s claimed six or seven Golden Tickets and instead of continuing to pile them up in his wallet, he leaned into the community. Acknowledging his fellow members’ efforts on engagement and community @Elmwood despite qualifying for more quests and missions, pulled them into a huddle and worked through the clues helping them acquire their own elusive Golden Ticket. And, being the wheeler and dealer that he is, when approached by others in the community about a deal for one of his multiple GOLDEN TICKETS, @Elmwood’s love of trading and overall collaborative nature has made him a true LEGEND!

Royal Rumble (Games, Games, and more Games…)

The HOUSE OF HEARTS had a SPECTACULAR run in November led by several persistently engaged members including @Elmwood 100+, @TSBG 100+, PhenomJones 100+, @jvn 100+. Other notables across the other houses included @grahambo 50+, @WallyMcWalface 50+, JHWrecker 60+, and many, many, more with 35+ across all the houses.

Aside from the fantastic performances put in by the broad group of people enjoying the gaming portal, it was especially exciting to see the expression on @Afs2407 a.k.a JOKER #12 when he pulled a joker in the #BattleCard channel it was as though Christmas had come early. (Pulling a Joker wins you an automatic 25 ROYAL regardless if you win the hand-of-the-day competition.)

RSOP (Competitive Staking) — ROYAL Distribution

First Place = 16x (House of Hearts)
Second Place = 12x (House of Diamonds)
Third Place = 8x (House of Spades)
Fourth Place = 4x (House of Clubs).

*The earned ROYAL from your RSOP cards staking period will be distributed based on your House’s finishing position above. #STAYROYAL

Royal Treasury Report

As we await the final tally of the Royal Treasury for the month of October, which all members will be able to access in the #Treasury-updates channel on the RSOP discord server, I wanted to catch everyone up on what our Community Treasurers have been doing.

As we mentioned in the previous newsletter the Royal Treasury had picked up a few 10KTF items, and in November the crew put ‘em to work. The Treasury holds 9 items that were eligible for Season 1. The trading volumes on the day of purchase picked up to 157ETH and the floor has risen from 0.2 to 0.35 today. GREAT JOB TREASURY TEAM! (@bearcat5 @PhenomJones @ToweringAGATE8, @WallyMcWalface, @baz9707, and @woodbury.

According to the November report there was 49ETH* in the Royal Treasury that’s down slightly from October -3.5%M/M*. There was also about 0.13ETH* from 2.75 ETH secondary transactions during November as a couple of sweepers and a sniper or two came through picking up some face cards on the cheap and structuring collections. And yes, that’s inline with what happened last month as well.

(*This is beginning November number and will be revised post LM update.)


Disclaimer: Not Financial Advice, DYOR.


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