RSOP (6)

A Community Newsletter — January Review

by @jvn_xyz; 2/2/2023

As the last joker emerged from captivity, he surveyed the cost of his release, deafened by the silence blanketing the kingdom.

Before the kingdom, there was a brotherhood, a collective group of individuals connected by ambition, suits, and traits, expanding the kingdom in the four cardinal directions until reaching the furthest horizons, testing the boundaries of the collective. While surveying the golden fields before them at the edge of their lands, an insatiable appetite gripped several influential brothers who pushed for further expansion. Despite their repetitive efforts, their motion failed. Fuming from the rejection, the miscreants razed the city to the ground, kidnapped opposing members’ leadership, and disappeared into the darkness.

GM Royals,

Welcome to the Royal Society of Players Community Newsletter. This is an ongoing effort to keep our members abreast of the games, happenings, and project developments in our community, which can also be found in our discord at RSOP discord.

Now that our Royal Games of Thrones has ended (RGOT) there’ve been several calls for another similar type of scavenger hunt to continue to keep us honing our detective skills and even calls for a MasterClass in detective work by Joker #9 (aka @ elmwood), but whether we’ll see either one of these this quarter remains to be seen, although I’m sure @PeaceFrog would love to set the screws to us once again. (lol)

In the interim, the team has deployed various new games and poker collaborations to keep the Royal Society members engaged. If you’re new to our community, please hop on over to the server and find the GAMES PORTAL housing various ongoing game channels including #battle-cards; #fantasy-leagues and #royal-competition. There are more but some only run during the monthly ROYAL RUMBLE, so make sure to check back from time to time.

Royal Rumble — (Games, Games, and more….Games)

The HOUSE OF CLUBS had a FANTASTICAL start to 2023 as they pulled down the crown for the month of January by more than 1500 RLP, while the duel between House of Diamonds and the House of Spades was a dead heat at 20 RLP, but not enough runway for the House of Spades to overtake the Get Fresh Crew of the House of Diamonds.

On the individual member front several members including @ian813 with well over 200 RLP, @incog and @ItsGottaBeTheShoes also holding it down for the House of Clubs, proof the Shoes matter! :)

Competitive Staking — January Distribution

First Place = 16x RLP | House of Clubs

Second Place = 12x RLP | House of Diamonds

Third Place = 8x RLP | House of Spades

Fourth Place = 4x RLP | House of Hearts

*The $ROYAL earned has already been distributed to respective wallets, but should you find an error please head to the discord and raise a support ticket and one of the Devs will help you resolve the issue.

DevTech Corner

After spinning up a rather addicting game known as the Hand of the Day through the command !HOTD on discord, the devs have been keeping their nose down and focused on further expansion of the royal experience. On top of the !HOTD, they’ve added new game enhancements as well as security functions to the RSOP website. Further, the MVP studio is another addition that should add value to the ecosystem in perpetuity if we move forward with offering these services and programming to other projects.

Royal Match

Casinos are fun, until they’re not. Thankfully, the RSOP devs have been able to create some games to help those with the itch to enjoy a few casino-type games while keeping them safe from the Siren’s call of the ATM, which are conveniently located only steps away from the tables and bars in every Casino from Las Vegas to Macau.

The latest development from the RSOP devs enhances the previously released Royal Match game with a few tweaks. Instead of small straight you need a large straight, instead of four of a kind, you need five of a kind to really push for the Top Score on the leaderboard. Although it’s still in beta, the future will likely see this as a healthy addition to our monthly Royal Rumble Series, which just concluded with 2nd and 3rd place ending with only a 20 RLP difference, perhaps the difference of one Royal Match.

Delegate Cash

After continued high profile hacks across the crypto space, the RSOP team accelerated plans to enhance member security. As of this writing, if you hold any NFTs from the House of First or Royal Society of Players Collections you can now navigate your way to the respective websites and use the option to give yourself more peace of mind about your NFT holdings.

If you have any questions, please head over to the discord and someone from the team will help walk you through the setup. If you need immediate help try submitting a ticket in the #support-ticket channel.

Cryptocurrency and NFT Headlines

Crypto and the blockchain

What goes up; must come down. Despite the rising financial markets following the alleged “softening” FED rate hike, the fundamentals haven’t changed, and it’s a wonder how long this melt-up in equities will last, and by extension, crypto adjacent companies and their underlying holdings in cryptocurrencies, especially with the complicated regulatory road ahead.

On the crypto trading front, the 2022 trail of implosions littering the information super highway have left many converts to question whether or not to continue their pursuit of a decentralized presence, especially given the plethora of hacks overwhelming the space and accounting for the biggest year in lost funds at US$3.8Bn. Whether it was the numerous rug pulls, wallet hacks, the downright failure to deliver by NFT project teams, or a combination of the above never, have there been more reasons for a trader to throw in the towel.

Over the last four months, Ethereum (ETH) has traded below the US$1600 handle, even dipping below the US$1200 level several times, proof many traders are sidelining themselves, either waiting for the other shoe to drop or a clear signal from the FED. Meanwhile, on the other side of the cryptocurrency multiverse, other altcoins have seen renewed interest and risen to their highest levels in months. The rise of these altcoins may have offset some of the sting of recent months, but the lasting effect of the FTX FRAUD and its jading of the US Congressional members could adversely effect any crypto regulation coming down the pike.

Furthermore, market watchers and Bitcoin Maxis are waiting to see if the upward momentum will be enough to flipped the technicals and push the revolutionary OG coin through US$25k level, but one has to wonder with the continued uncertainty in the space if a s-t technical flip supports a sustainable uptrend or leaves an argument for a rapid breakdown in its wake, nothing is certain.

On a more positive note, the announcement that the California DMV will put car titles on the blockchain through a collaboration with TEZOS and associates points to yet more use cases being discovered by our web 2 cousins and highlighting another path in the quest for mass adoption.

Source: (Bloomberg, Chainalysis, WSJ)

NFT Projects

A quick review of the NFT projects in January saw the release of the Mutant Cartel’s much anticipated Guardian Hounds from the Cartel’s Pound through the burning of the Mutant Hound Collars, unleashing several thousand purpose-driven Mutant Hounds to their Mutant handlers. Post the burn, a flurry of snippets from the unfolding Cartel Lore through the Duke’s diary and the Town Crier drove the Mutant Hound’s secondary trading volume through 4k ETH (on a base of only 70% of 10k guardian Hounds or 7k Hounds), leaving a healthy chunk of 3k Hounds, including many Grails unrevealed.

The whispers ricocheting across the cobblestone alleyways are that the NFT OGs are hodling these collars, hoping to catch the next pump as a rumored Layer 2 connection to the Yuga Labs universe becomes reality. Whether a connection to the Yuga ecosystem becomes a reality or the Mutants navigate the Ether on their own, deploying its bootlegging and fencing operations to the Comics-as-a-service the Nova Labs team has already catapulted its project ahead of 99% of the current NFT projects.

Another massive development in the NFT space in January was the aforementioned Yuga Labs Sewer Pass claim, which combined with the massive trading volumes in Mutant Cartel’s Collars, Hounds, and Oaths helped return the NFT community back to their bullish state.

Whether it’s the Mutant Cartel’s teaser videos of Mega Mutant Hounds reveals (only 25 of 10k Hounds) and the coming war between Blaksoot and Darkfang or the groundbreaking engagement strategy from Yuga Labs through their Dookey Dash game score determining future mint access things are heating up in the NFT space. LFG!

Disclaimer: I am my hound, my hound is me. !howl

Royal Treasury

As we await for the official Royal Treasury report for the month of January, which all members will be able to access through the #Treasury-updates channel on the RSOP discord server, here’s a quick recap of the action in the community wallet.

Firstly, the MAYC hanging out in the RSOP Treasury landed us a Sewer Pass, which has opened up a pathway into the Ape ecosystem, although I’m not sure playing Dookey Dash is the best use of one’s time, it’s reassuring to see the healthy ETH-based trading volume spawned from the drop and the potential influx of Apecoin.

Furthermore, our dedicated treasurers have been hard at work for restructuring the inventory and stacking things up quite nicely. For more information, please check out the #NFT-marketplace channel in our discord where many of the treasurers and broader community discuss potential NFT and crypto opportunities, but remember NFA and DYOR.

According to the official December report there was 49.934ETH in the Royal Treasury, which was up +0.66%M/M. In addition to the ETH, the Treasury holds Ape, Gala, and Zed Tokens derived from the various assets linked to their parent ecosystems.

There was limited secondary trading to add to the coffers, but perhaps this is a positive knock-on effect from our staking mechanism or just another month of low transactions rippling across the entire NFT ecosystem.


Disclaimer: Do Your Own Research (DYOR), Not Financial Advice (NFA).



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