RSOP (7)

Community Newsletter — March Review

by @jvn_xyz; 4/8/2023

A lasting impact from the day of the disappearance, which fractured the brotherhood echoed throughout the kingdom as Royals from across the land split into rivaling factions, those honoring ancient pledges to the noble houses and those adamant on expansion, desiring a dissolution of the Royal Court.

The freedom of renouncing their oaths to the brotherhood jaded expansionists to the markers of a collapsing civilization. Despite a return of a joker, an unexpected departure complicated a growing rift between the Metaverse Players and Royals, accelerating an inevitable and unprecedented civil war.

GM Royals,

Welcome to the Royal Society of Players Community Newsletter. This publication is an ongoing community-powered effort to keep our members and the public up to speed on what’s happening within our network. If you’re new to our collection, please visit our discord and get a feel for what we’re all about. Enter the Royal.

After shifting gears with the The Society monthly publication in February to launch an RSOP adjacent series called The Red Queen Rising, we’ve returned to continue our mission of illuminating events in and impacting our ecosystem. With the world spinning on more than one axis it’s easy to despair, but as the Team and the Community push forward with official and unofficial collaborations in gaming, promotion, and more it’s only a matter of time until we turn a corner into that brighter and tighter Metaverse experience.

Royal Rumble — (Games, Games, and More...Games)

Before getting too far into the monthly details, we have to take a bow to the HOUSE OF SPADES, who crushed the competition in the March Royal Rumble, something any serious Player should analyze lest a repeat performance play out in April and May. Without putting to fine of a point on it, suffice it to say aside from the normal phenomenal game play by several Royal members, some stealth actions have flipped the script and laid out a blueprint for those newcomers as well as random hodlers should they successfully deconstruct the secret sauce, gamification at its finest.

In addition to announcing the winning houses of March, I’ve been told that the Five Letter Frenzy may have seen its last play in March due to some technology bugs, which is a BIG hit for me as it was one of my favorite discord games when I was hopping through timezones.

I guess it’s time to head to the tables on Turbo Tuesdays and Weekly Wednesdays and put TSBG and 1CentCollectors’ poker skills to the test. ;-)

Competitive Staking — March Distribution

First Place = 16x RLP | House of Spades

Second Place = 12x RLP | House of Diamonds

Third Place = 8x RLP | House of Hearts

Fourth Place = 4x RLP | House of Clubs

The $ROYAL earned has been distributed to respective wallets, but should you find an error please head to the discord and raise a #support-ticket and one of the Devs or Mods will help you resolve the issue.

DevTech Central

Another month, another innovation by @ZK85 and his team of developers @Imran @Berry and @Shepy. From the latest updates on the Royal Match games came a new bonus round, which I finally broke through and claimed 25 ROYAL less than 48 hours ago, to a brand new initiative aimed at not only enhancing RSOP members’ Metaverse experience and presence but provide a future revenue stream to the Royal Treasury.

Innovating in a bear market isn’t easy. With members hurting from their withering portfolios, teams depleted coffers, and the fact that we’re still early doesn’t always mix well, sometimes everyone needs reminding of why they minted a collection in the first place aside from the inalienable monetary expectations.

Shrugging off the bear market and determined to deliver on his vision for the Metaverse in a consistent and methodical way, @ZK85's March announcement has reignited excitement across the community. A thirty-thousand view of his strategy lays out a multi-pronged approach to enhance the NFT experience of the global Web3 community with early iterations, ANYONE can log in and deploy while indicating future iterations position the Royal Society Treasury for new revenue streams. The brand is called Better Blocks, and it’s the third piece of an ongoing expansion from Landmark’s expansion into the blockchain community and includes 1) Entertainment & Experiences, 2) Arts & Culture, and 3) Products & Tools.


Arriving in the form of a B2B suite of products and tools, “Better Blocks”, sets the stage for innumerable possibilities, enabling small and underfunded projects stay in contact with their members while enhancing their experience through ongoing technological and procedural innovations. With its discord server up and running it’s already begun to create buzz among several influencers and creators.

On March 28th, the team announced the deployment of its first Web3 tool called the “Spotlight Bot”, which users can set to highlight their favorite NFTs on a regular or irregular schedule, allowing degens to what they do best, GRIND, especially with the markets teasing another breakout. :-)

For more information check out the RSOP #announcements-channel

Cryptocurrency and Headlines

As if the insanity of March needed more than the NCAA basketball to anchor its Madness moniker, the world witnessed a bank failure, a bank run, a couple of government takeovers, whether they needed them or not, and continued geopolitical turbulence.

Over the last couple of months, the crypto trading had been quite muted until March 6th, traders remained reluctant to take on new positions as ETH traded between US$1200–US$1600 levels with no clear catalyst on the horizon until the quarterly results of a bank in San Diego, California called Silvergate. Silvergate sat between institutional investors crypto and fiat investment portfolios, and once the impact of their FTX exposure and behavior around its Q422 implosion, a domino effect began to unfold.

Stretching across the amber waves of grain to New York, another unexpected event exacerbated fears as the state regulator took control of Signature Bank, which had begun to limit their exposure to smaller retail crypto trading accounts shutting down Binance and Kraken customers’ ability to deposit and withdraw funds into the decentralized ecosystem.

Following these events came the unthinkable, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) implosion. This was something different but more important as it was where the Venture Capitalists of the world held their money and with VCs deep into crypto another shock wave rippled through the investment community. The kicker to this was that after the SVB UK branch to HSBC, the US Treasury decided to rescue the remaining funds.

During the unfolding calamity, a couple of things happened, Bitcoin began to run higher, mirroring the intent of the global crypto community to ensure they had their wealth under a self-custody mechanism whether that was a cold wallet or a multi-sig wallet as long as it wasn’t in a hot wallet or centralized crypto exchange account. This became reinforced when US Treasury Secretary indicated that NOT all banks would be rescued as it had rescued the Silicon Valley Bank, stoking fears that any contagion may not protect assets they held in commercial banks. Not a good look for our Treasury.

Since Bitcoin’s launch in 2009, fortunes have been won and lost through negligence or a plethora of copycat or Altcoin blockchains but nothing compared to the wealth AT RISK if factions of our US political parties within the United States government forced the Central Bank Digital Coin (CBDC) on its citizens, outlawing, reclassifying, or through a set BASEL deployed rules, limit access to anything but government approved and controlled blockchains.

Speaking about the crypto markets with traders often focuses on technicals, Tokenomics, or potential of in-game benefits, but with several US Congressmen pushing the Restrict Act under the guise of reigning in an alleged state actor’s technology could choke off access to a range of crypto assets and shutdown VPN access, which is a flagrant violation of US citizens constitutional rights if this proves to be the case.

Regulation is essential with any emergent technology, and the blockchain is no different, but innovation should be encouraged, not demonized. The digital economy has the potential to help humanity turn a corner, evolving into opportunities still unknown, but the major hindrance is banks and their outsized influence over our government. If you question that statement, just take a look at the power of lobbyists in America and then take a look at the people and political actors connected to the Banking lobby while keeping in mind that several ex-Presidents have warned us about the safety of the Republic from lobbyists hence the need for a continued decentralization movement to reclaim the power corporations have usurped from the citizens under the guise of economic expansion. #CodeIsLaw #Decentralization

Royal Treasury

As the team shift’s the Treasury report to a quarterly basis, the newsletter will continue to update the Marketplace Drawings on a monthly basis, but save the Royal Treasury’s numbers and inventory for the quarterly report. In the meantime, members can access the latest report through the #Treasury-updates channel on the RSOP discord server.

According to the official March 8th report there was 41.421ETH in the Royal Treasury, which was up -11%M/M. In addition to the ETH, the Treasury holds 2,000 APE, 80,000 Gala, and about 1,000 Zed Tokens derived from the various assets linked to their parent ecosystems.

Further, keeping inline with behavior of the bear market the degen usage of has continued unabated and choking off any potential secondary trading commissions, exacerbating the already starving projects as they limp through the crypto winter praying for redemption in 2H23.


The RSOP team and Treasury produced a fabulous Shopping Week during the month of March at the Royal Society of Players Marketplace. As the PeaceFrog wrapped his head around around the evolving MidJourney AI, honing his skills with every production, the gamification became clear when he dropped the bomb, which spelled out the price of admission into March’s Marketplace Drawing was something that had gone overlooked by so many playas!


The RSOP monthly marketplace is funded and stocked by the Royal Treasury in addition to donations from various Royal members. Over the last year we’ve seen a broad range of items come through for auction, ranging from OCM Genesis, OCM desserts, Karma K1s and 10KTF, Butcher Billy autographed physical movie posters, GOATZ, ALIENS, and many others. And as the ROYAL distribution grows people are getting more involved and the items for auctions are maintaining its levels due to the tireless efforts of our Royal Treasurers @PhenomJones, @ABearcat5, @ToweringAGATE3, @IAMTSBG, @WallyMcWalface, and @Baz9707.


For me, the most exciting part of March wasn’t only the NCAA March Madness, but the last-minute hustling by RSOP members who realized as they lacked several pieces needed for the March Drawing. Basically, participants needed 1x Diamond Handz Royal Art Ticket that could only be claimed through burning 5x previous Team AI Royal Art Rewards, gamification at its finest. Why were they frantically bidding up others for their AI generated Royal Art? Because the prize pool included NFTs providing entrance into the OnChainMonkey and 10KTF ecosystems.


Disclaimer: Do Your Own Research (DYOR), Not Financial Advice (NFA).



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